Fine Arts

ALC Art Teacher

My philosophy of teaching in my classroom is to challenge all students and watch them grow to their full potential at different levels. To inspire and guide their creativity, by giving them the tools to be able to express themselves in a positive manner. I recognize that each student learns in many different styles and techniques. Each child learning style has a mix of learning styles meaning they can have two or more ways of learning such as:

  • Visual (spatial: they prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding)

  • Auditory (auditory-musical: they prefer using sound and music)

  • Verbal (linguistic: they prefer using words, both in speech and writing)

  • Physical (kinesthetic: they prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch)

  • Logical (mathematical: they prefer using logic, reasoning and systems)

  • Social (interpersonal: they prefer to learn in groups or with other people)

  • Solitary (intrapersonal: they prefer to work alone and use self-study)

Jorge Munguia

Jorge Munguia

Email Jorge Munguia

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Fine Arts Intensive Studies Program (RISD)

  • AA in Visual Communications (AIH)

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (AIH)

  • Teacher Certification (Texas Teachers)

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